Neck and shoulder massage

Neck and shoulder massage


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Neck and shoulder massage is a method of massaging and pressing the neck, shoulders and nape of the neck to help relax muscles, reduce stress, improve blood circulation and reduce pain. This method is often applied to people with muscle tension due to sitting for long periods of time, office work, incorrect posture or experiencing neck and shoulder pain due to stress.

1. Why is neck and shoulder massage important?

Neck and shoulder massage is a massage method that helps reduce pain, improve blood circulation and improve health. People who often have problems with stiff neck and shoulder include:
Office workers, people who sit in front of the screen for a long time.
Drivers, sales staff, teachers, people who work under stress.
Those with chronic neck and shoulder pain, blood circulation disorders.

2. Benefits of neck and shoulder massage

Neck and shoulder massage brings many great benefits to health and spirit:
  • Reduce pain: Relax stiff muscle groups, stretch muscles, quickly relieve pain.
  • Improve blood circulation: Help blood circulate better, reduce the risk of constipation, circulatory disorders.
  • Improve sleep quality: Reduce stress, help fall asleep easily after massage.
  • Improve mood: Reduce stress, anxiety, help relax the mind.

For YouTreat Yourself Today!

You work hard, so why not celebrate all the little, everyday accomplishments with a treat every now and then? Call us to request an appointment.